Are You A Stressed, Over-Achieving Woman Who Keeps Burning Out?

Are you Doing, Pushing, Forcing And Needing To Be Perfect To Feel Good Enough?

It's Time To Take Better Care Of Yourself, Step Out Of Survival Mode, Take The Control Back, Learn To Deal With Stress Better, Reconnect And Get To Know You Again...

You are done with the boom and bust cycle of self care. Its time to slow down, take better care of yourself. Stress less, live more, awaken your aliveness.

It is time to get GROUNDED.

Are You A Stressed, Over-Achieving Woman Who Keeps Burning Out?

Are you Doing, Pushing, Forcing And Needing To Be Perfect To Feel Good Enough?

It's Time To Take Better Care Of Yourself, Step Out Of Survival Mode, Take The Control Back, Learn To Deal With Stress Better, Reconnect And Get To Know You Again...

You are done with the boom and bust cycle of self care! It is time to slow down, take better care of yourself. Stress less, live more, awaken your aliveness. 

It is time to get GROUNDED.

Grounded is a group program for you busy women know they need to slow down and take better care of themselves, but they are not quite sure how to break their repeating patterns of over-giving, over-doing, over-working, people pleasing and self-abandonment.

Its for you if your approach to self care and is a bit "boom and bust" or all or nothing

You might be fighting the daily anxiety of imposter syndrome and not feeling good enough. 

You might be over-committing, over-giving and people pleasing which leaves you exhausted and last on your to do list

You know you need to set better boundaries with others and yourself, but you are riddled with guilt, fear of conflict and letting others down.

Instead it is easier to turn to numbing behaviors like eating, drinking, watching TV, social media, burying yourself in work or exhaustive exercise. It feels good in the moment but soon the niggle of anxiety returns. 

You've spent time and energy building a career, a life you should love, yet you feel too overwhelmed and exhausted from holding burnout at arms length - you can't enjoy it.

What you really want is..

  • Clarity, peace and calm​- goodbye overwhelm, brain fog and decision making fatigue and hello mental clarity and self trust!

  • Control​- not the creepy manipulative and obsessive kind, the kind that comes from being deeply connected to your body and knowing what you need to honour yourself.

  • Confidence - To set boundaries, to say no, to speak up for yourself and get your needs met.

  • Connection - To yourself first, so that you fill up your cup. So you can give from a place of fullness and be more present with the people that matter in your life.

  • Contentment - to feel fulfilled and grateful for the life you live each day instead of constantly feeling like a failure, chasing the next goals and nothing is ever enough.

Ground into yourself with the 4 elements of GROUNDED


Your life will mirror the capacity to which you are able to grow and develop yourself. Awareness is the first step of any change. We all have blindspots - things we don't know we don't know - and these are the very things that keep you stuck and hold you back. When you join Grounded you will have access to a series of trainings which have been lovingly crafted to guide you through a transformational process, step-by-step. 


It is in the depths of your body that you will find everything that you need. You don't need more information, you need more embodiment and self trust. When you connect to your body, reaquaint yourself with your "home frequency" and learn to make friends with your feelings, you will wonder why you ever left. To do this, you will have access to recorded vinyasa and yin yoga practises, meditation, yoga nidra and live monthly breathwork practises


You don't have to do it alone. When you join Grounded, you will be fully supported, seen and heard. Whether you choose the self-study or group coaching option you will be part of a private Facebook Community and you will be able to attend the monthly live Breathwork practises.

Coaching and Support

If you feel like you need a little bit more hand holding and support you can choose the group coaching option and be part of a small, intimate sharing circle, led by me (Anna). We'll have weekly zoom calls where you can be seen and heard. 

I am honestly so excited about this journey I'm on! The woman I'm growing into is calm, grounded, patient, content; I'm a bit emotional typing this, but happy emotions, because I keep bumping into her at random moments in the day, and she's so warm, she feels like home, like she's been waiting for me

- Aimee

If it wasn't for this work, I would have had a nervous breakdown by now. Instead, I am living a completely different life!

- Jess

I knew there was something deep inside of me that was holding me back from achieving what I wanted in life. I knew I needed to work on myself on a much deeper level. A couple of weeks into the program I was already starting to notice changes and 12 weeks in I cannot put into words how significantly different I feel. My mindset and mood are so much more balanced and because of this, I am able to take more empowered actions to make changes in my life!

- Francesca

I have grown more in the past 6 months than I have in the past 15 years! 

- Natasha

Working alongside Anna Marsh is always such a pleasure, but this was something else. I have learnt so much about myself, including how to accept all parts of me, knowing I am enough just as I am. This is only the start for me, my journey has only really just begun and I am so excited to see where life takes me next.

- Kelly

I am honestly so excited about this journey I'm on! The woman I'm growing into is calm, grounded, patient, content; I'm a bit emotional typing this, happy emotions, because I keep bumping into her at random moments in the day, and she's so warm, she feels like home, like she's been waiting for me

- Aimee

If it wasn't for this work, I would have had a nervous breakdown by now. Instead, I am living a completely different life!

- Jess

I knew there was something deep inside of me that was holding me back from achieving what I wanted in life. I knew I needed to work on myself on a much deeper level. A couple of weeks into the program I was already starting to notice changes and 12 weeks in I cannot put into words how significantly different I feel. My mindset and mood are so much more balanced and because of this, I am able to take more empowered actions to make changes in my life!

- Francesca

I have grown more in the past 6 months than I have in the past 15 years! 

- Natasha

Working alongside Anna Marsh is always such a pleasure, but this was something else. I have learnt so much about myself, including how to accept all parts of me, knowing I am enough just as I am. This is only the start for me, my journey has only really just begun and I am so excited to see where life takes me next.

- Kelly

Module 1: Get Clear

Lack of clarity is the road block to change. It is easier to list all the things we don't want than declare our greatest desires. Fear of failure can keep us stuck like a deer in the headlights and the amount of change that is required can feel overwhelming, not to mention the lack of time and energy. By the end of this training you will be clear on where you are going and you will be able to see your goals as an opportunity to explore your potential, instead of a stick to beat yourself with. We'll dive deep into what is really eating into your time and energy so you are set up for success!
  • Training 1: The Big Tick and Identity Work
  • Training 2: Prioritising and Time Management
  • Training 3: Understanding the Energetic Body

Module 2: Get Grounded

Do overwhelm, over-analysing, over-thinking feel like your baseline frequency? Are you stuck in survival mode running life 100 mph? Does connection to your body seem like a far away dream? The deeper inside we go, the more we can expand and we are only as resilient as our foundations. In this training you will begin to build your internal foundations with the basics of self care and self trust; looking after and connecting with your physical body and changing your internal dialogue to be less "inner bully" and more "nurturing best friend". 
  • Training 1: Regulating The Nervous System For Safety and Trust
  • Training 2: Self Care For Your Physiology
  • Training 3: Empowering Language and Self Compassion

Training 3: Feel and Heal

We all have thing we know we shouldn't do, but we do them anyway. We all have things we know we should do, but we just don't do them! We continue with the same unhelpful behaviours whether that is eating too much, drinking too much, watching too much TV, spending time on social media, over-working or over-exercising. There is a fine line between self-care and self-indulgence and in this training we will get to the bottom of it. What if all these behaviours were just unconsciously fulfilling an unmet need? Your body, and its feelings, sensations and emotions, is the most powerful instruction manual you have for you life. I'll teach you how to read it so that you don't have to worry about self sabotage ever again!

  • Training 1: Emotions as Energy in Motion
  • Training 2: Beliefs: You Are Enough!
  • Training 3: Connecting To Your Needs

Training 4: Align and Shine!

In life we have two choices, play the victim or the victor. Playing the victor means life happens for you, and you are the one who has full control. To step into your power you must believe you are enough. 

In this training, you will step into your worth and reclaim your power. You will learn to align your life by connecting to your soul values. You will learn to understand the gremlin of self sabotage and how you keep yourself on course when life throws a challenge your way.

  • Training 1: Take Your Power Back
  • Training 2: Soul Values
  • Training 3: Ladder of Accountability
  • Training 4: Self Sabotage: Gremlins and Saboteurs

Training 5: Self Love, Realtionship and Boundaries

Struggle with saying "No", poor boundaries, people pleasing or feeling like a worn out door mat? Are you afraid to put yourself first because you might disappoint someone, create conflict or let someone down. Do you feel over-identified with the feelings of others. Do you over-give, exhaust yourself and find it hard to receive and ask for help? In this training you will begin to understand the value of all the foundations you have laid so far. You will build on them so you can set better boundaries, put yourself first and improve your relationships - most importantly, the relationship you have with yourself. 

  • Training 1: Understanding Your Heart
  • ​Training 2: Boundaries and Relationships
  • Training 3: Spiral Dynamics

Training 6: Whole Hearted Communication

Difficulty saying no, struggling to set health boundaries or ask for what you need? Do you fear conflict and shy away from asserting yourself? Afraid to rock the boat or hurt someone's feelings? This training will empower you with the tools to communicate. If you feel like you ARE communicating but not being fully seen and heard, here you will learn how to express yourself so that your message is being received. 
  • Training 1: Speak Up: Self Expression and Honouring Your Voice
  • ​Training 2: Whole hearted communication
  • Training 3: Spiral Dynamics
  • Training 4: Self Sabotage: Gremlins and Saboteurs

Training 7: Get Perspective

We do not see things as they are, we see things as we are. Removing all stress from life is an impossible task, but if you can change your perspective, you will find life a more peaceful place to be
  • Training 1: Seeing Deeper and Connecting to Intuition

Training 8: Raising Awareness and Developing Consciousness

The divine source is not separate from us. We are it. What if you could trust that you are being divinely guided throughout your life? In this life you will deepen your connection to yourself through breathing and meditation practises so that you can hear the inner voice of your soul and act on its directives.
  • Training 1: The Crown Chakra

Look Inside The Membership Site

Exclusive Facebook Community and Group Calls with Me (Anna!) every other week!

This is NOT the Grounded Goddess Community Facebook Group

Who is this program for?

  • It is for you if you know that something has got to give and you need help. accountability and support.

  • You are ready to move, you just don't know where to and how - I will help you get clarity

  • You are ready to acknowledge that you need to slow down and find a better way otherwise you will burn out, or maybe you've burnt out already.

  • You are open in your mind and in your heart, health for you goes above and beyond your physical body.

  • This is not a weight loss program, although it is NOT, NOT a weight loss program. If you are ONLY interested in losing weight this is not for you.

  • You are self sufficient and ready to take action, you just need a little structure, guidance and support and accountability along the way.

  • You've engaged in "boom and bust" or "tick box" self-care and you want to find a way to look after yourself that is consistent and feels good!

You are willing to work on self awareness and create change from the inside out.

  • You feel like a doormat and a people pleaser, you are burnt / burning out and you want to learn to put yourself first.

  • You know it will be hard at times, there are some uncomfortable changes to make, but in your heart, you know it will be worth it!

  • You are ready to be honest with yourself and share with and support other women on a similar journey to your own.

  • You love learning and working on yourself and you are willing to create space in your life to fully commit.

  • In your heart you know that deep down staying the same is not an option and the only way to move forward is to grow.

  • You acknowledge that for life to change, you must change and that starts with changing internally first.

What I learnt from working with so many women is that physical change is easy, when we address the mental and emotional parts of ourselves that we are so disconnected from...

Over the last year I went from being pretty immobile, with a lot of daily pain to now training 3 to 5 times a week and LOVING eating great food. There have been massive highs and lows throughout this time but I’m in awe of where I am now compared to the person I was when I started this journey.

A huge thank you to Anna who has been legendary through all of this with me and has stayed massively patient with me and helped me through some of my darkest times.

Ali, 37, Freelancer

When I started this journey I was at the tail end of 10 years of yo-yo dieting which had resulted in an increase of 4 stone.  I can’t recommend Anna enough. Whether you are someone who is struggling to lose weight or someone who is already a competitive athlete Anna can help you become lean and/or increase your performance.

Caroline, 37, Shift-Worker

I started the gut reset to balance my skin after a round of strong antibiotics. Not only did the reset improve my skin drastically but it also improved my digestion, the growth of my hair, the quality of my sleep, and gave me a much flatter stomach (whilst eating more food than usual!) . I fully support Anna’s Gut Reset Program and look forward to doing it again! 

Che - 32, Illustrator and Yoga Teacher

Since working with Anna I have lost weight, learnt how to look after myself with good nutrition and the right amount of exercise. I’ve learnt how to love myself. I am much less stressed, more patience and happier. I spend my time doing the things I love. I no longer worry about what others think, what I think I look like, what I am going to wear and what I am going to eat. Anna is different because she is always there for you. She comes from a place of love and she has a huge amount of knowledge. You will get more out of working with her than you ever imagined. 

Ellie - 52, Hairdresser

Before I started working with Anna I was already avoiding carbs and minimising what I ate (during the week at least) leaving me lacking energy in the gym and probably overeating at the weekends. I learnt to view food differently, valuing the nutritional benefits, being more mindful when eating as well as listening to my body. I certainly wasn’t as fit, strong or healthy as I am now. I have lost inches, changed my body composition and most importantly I have more energy and feel better about myself! 

Claire, 34, Lawyer

Last day of the gut reset! It's been a challenge - if it doesn't challenge you, it won't change you, right?! Although it's been tough I'm super proud of myself for sticking with this for a month. My stomach feels better than it has in as long as I can remember. I can't tell you what a massive thing this is for me!

One of the biggest things for me on the reset was mindful eating and being conscious of everything I ate for a month and it was an eye opener, especially when on low carbs. 

Hollie, 31, Marketing

I’ve have always lived by the motto “work hard, play hard” so much so that I entered a Half Iron Man to lose weight from playing maybe a bit too hard. When I hardly lost an inch despite a gruelling training regime I decided something was not quite right. I then came across Anna Marsh. With Anna’s help I achieved not only the best body I have ever had ready for my wedding but also a very full toolbox of nutritional, mindset and general life advice to help me keep my best body ever going forward. I am forever grateful to Anna for this and very glad I made the investment in myself. Thank you Anna. 

Jackie, 32, Lawyer

Working with Anna I wasn’t happy because I was losing weight, I was losing weight because I was happy!

Jane, 47, Events

I was 84kg when I started and now I am 75kg. But I am happy with that as everything else has changed with my body and mind. When I started I couldn’t possibly imagine that I could work out 4 times a week with 2 young kids.I had put on so much weight with each pregnancy, I felt awful. I was still wearing my pregnancy clothes a year after giving birth and I thought the first thing that anyone would ever think when meeting me was “fatty”. I had zero time for me and put myself last out of everyone. I was going to the doctor with stomach issues which I now know was because I wasn’t eating the way my body needs to be fed. For me my biggest achievement is feeling athletic. I love being in my gym stuff. I love my thighs. I love feeling strong. 

Jess , 48, Mum 

Last day of the gut reset! It's been a challenge - if it doesn't challenge you, it won't change you, right?! Although it's been tough I'm super proud of myself for sticking with this for a month. My stomach feels better than it has in as long as I can remember. I can't tell you what a massive thing this is for me!

One of the biggest things for me on the reset was mindful eating and being conscious of everything I ate for a month and it was an eye opener, especially when on low carbs. 

Lorraine, 34, Fitness Professional

Anna has helped me to change my life, I’m a completely new person. I have lost centimeters, I have changed my body composition and I am a lot stronger and healthier. I have become the happiest, healthiest, best version of me!

Anna has helped me every step of the way and has supported me in everything I need to do to get there. She is the whole package. She focuses on nutrition, training, but most importantly the mindset. She is undeniably the best professional I have worked with to help me achieve so much more than just weight loss.

Mel, 34, Branding and Marketing

Before: I was super unhappy. I wanted to tear my skin off my bones at times because I hated my body so much. I binge ate high refined processed garbage and barely exercised. I was ill often and had no energy. I binge ate, then restricted, then binge ate again and probably tried about every fad or crash diet I heard about. Now: I have found what works best for me, my attitude has completely changed I am fitter and healthier than I’ve been in my whole life. I’ve changed my story from being “I hate exercise, I hate eating healthy foods – I just want to slob on the couch and each junk” to being the “healthy sporty” one (much to my surprise!).

Louise, 37, IT

Client Results

"I've changed the way I speak to myself and I now make time for me, which as a new mum has always been a challenge. It is the best investment I have made yet!"

Faye, Hong Kong, Mum and Business Owner

"I seemed to have all the knowledge but I was never able to take action. This process opened up a whole different approach for me which has been life changing ."

Mikaela, Au Pair, London 

"I cope with stress better now and my well being has improved."

Jules,  Hong Kong, Teacher

"Anna Has Helped Me Change My Life."

Mel, 34, Oman, Branding and Marketing

"Life Changing! I have pushed my boundaries and got out of my comfort. I have become so much more aware of myself. "

Ashleigh, 36, London, IT Project Manager and Graphic Designer

"I now know that I can achieve what I want to achieve in my life and I believe I am worthy of it"Francesca, 39, London, Online Nutrition Coach

"I loved it from the first day! I've learnt how to be grounded and place more value on myself and to give from that place."

Claire, 38, South Africa, Physiotherapist

"I found the course absolutely life changing. My life hasn't changed, but the way I feel about my life is incredibly different."Jess, 38, London, Marketing Manager

"Since working with Anna I'm more confident, I'm stronger, generally healthier and I look different."

Emma, 37, Tyne and Wear, Therapist

"It's a long-term approach and it's a healthy approach."

Jo, 42, Cheshire, Business Owner

Hi, I'm Anna. I'm a Nutritionist, Functional Medicine Practitioner and Coach. I always struggle with this bit as it is difficult to sum up in a few sentences to really capture the magic of what I do!

I run an online nutrition coaching program for women, helping them change their bodies and their lives from a place of love.

My observation from working with many many women was that most would seek my help due to a physical "problem" such as weight, hormonal imbalances, poor digestion, skin health or energy. 

But their external physical challenges were more often than not a manifestation of their internal challenges. 

We live in a very busy world and women can easily fall into the trap of driving their bodies with a masculine energy. They push and force and lose their connection with themselves, ultimately leading to burn out. 

This was my story too and I have come a looooong way! So although I have a whole bunch of fancy qualifications to my name, my real goal, passion and purpose is to help you slow down, reconnect with yourself and create a healthy body, healthy mind and a happy heart. 

I aim to nourish your inner mental, emotional and spiritual worlds, so that you can shine bright in your outer world and live a life that you love. Happy and fulfilled!

frequently asked questions

  • What is the time committment for the program? You will want to create time each week to listen to the audio trainings, reflect and attend the group calls - if you have chosen this option. I recommend allowing 2-3 hours of time. Every 4th week is a rest week to take a break, catch up or revise. If want to use the embodiment practises as part of your weekly or monthly self care, allow extra time for this. Time management is always a concern which is why one of the very first trainings is on time management to help you find more time in your day to commit to the program. The audio trainings are downloadable so you can listen to them in the car, on a walk or cleaning your house :)

  • What time will the Group Trainings take place? The group trainings will take place every Monday at 7pm and Wednesday at 11pm UK time. The 7pm call will be on a Tuesday if Monday is a bank holiday or an alternative week day evening. All dates will be supplied at the start of the program so you can diarise and prioritise your time. There will be no calls on catch up week.

  • How long will the calls be? As long as necessary. I estimate to allow 60 minutes to 90 minutes.

  • What if I cannot attend live? All calls will be recorded and shared in your membership site so you can watch back in your own time.

  • When are the rest weeks? The rest weeks are the weeks commencing 22nd March, 19th April, 17th May, 14th June, 12th July, 9th August. There are no group calls during the rest weeks but the Breathwork Practises will take place on either a Sunday or Saturday at the end of your rest, to help you integrate the work.

  • Will I be able to talk to Anna on a call? ​It is important to me that everyone feels seen and heard. The calls are where you receive help, coaching, support and where you connect with other women taking the course. Past members have found the calls to be the most valuable part of the program. They have reflected to me that they learn so much more through the dialogue of other women, hearing their challenges, their wins and celebrations and listening to their stories.

  • Is it possible to speak with you before I sign up? If you want to join the Group Coaching Program but need a little reassurance before you commit, you can complete an application to book a 30 minute call with me. If you want to join the self-study program, you can email me on [email protected] to ask any questions you may have. Please read all the details on this page and the next page, before reaching out.

  • Once I have completed my enrolment application, what happens next? ​If you would like to join the Group Coaching option, once you submit your enrolment application you will be guided to a link to book a call with myself (Anna). I will review your application to determine if Grounded is the best fit for your needs right now. If it is, I will confirm and we will proceed with our call so that we can dive deeper and you can ask any questions about the program to make 100% sure that its the best choice for both of us. If I don't believe you are best suited to Grounded at this time, we will cancel your call, but you can always reapply in the future.

  • What happens on my discovery call? When your discovery call is confirmed you will recieve an information pack with details about the program and some guidance to help you prepare. But don't worry if that sounds scary, the call is for us to connect and find out what is REALLY going on and if Grounded is best placed to help you :)

  • Why is this such a long winded process? The numbers for the program are limited to 15. It is important to me that each of these 15 women are a perfect fit for the group because the power of the group energy is vital for the power of each individual's transformation.

  • What is the start date? The next round of Grounded Goddess will start on Monday 1st March 2021.

  • When does it end? The end date will be 24 weeks from the official start date which will be Sunday 15th August 2021.

  • Will I have continued access to the resources available? Yes, you will have access to the membership site after the course. I do have limited capacity for membership sites so eventually this content will be deleted. Usually 6-12 months after completion of the program. I advise that you download all the resources you would like to keep but I will give you plenty of notice should you no longer have access to the site.

  • How is the self-study option different to the group coaching? If you choose the self study option you will have access to the membership site and all the course content and embodiment practises, Facebook Community and monthly live Breathwork sessions. You will NOT have access to the weekly group coaching calls and there will be no accountability to make sure you have completed the work. You will be able to ask questions in the Facebook Group and in the monthly Breathwork Practises.

  • Can I upgrade to group coaching if I feel I need more support? Yes, if there is enough space in the group coaching you can upgrade by paying the balance (either in full or instalments). If there is not enough space in the group I may offer you space for 121 coaching.

  • Can I downgrade to self-study after signing up for the group coaching? Due to the limited number of spaces, once you have committed to the group coaching you cannot downgrade 14 days after making your committment.

  • When are the monthly Breathwork Practises? Each month there will be a live Breathwork Practise for everyone who is taking the course; group coaching, 121 coaching and self-study. These will Saturday or Sundays at 9:30am - 11:00am. If you cannot attend live you will receive a recording to keep and practise in your own time as often as you like. Dates are subject to change and currently scheduled for; Sunday 28th March, Saturday 25th April, Saturday 22nd May, Saturday 19th June, Saturday 18th July, Saturday 15th August.

  • What if I cannot start on the official start date or I take a holiday during the course? Holidays are part of life, there is nothing in the course that you cannot do on a holiday too. If you miss a week there will be plenty of time to catch up. The course has been designed to give effective tools, but not create overwhelm.

  • What if I don't have any experience with yoga and meditation? You will be just fine. The program is designed to support and guide you and build you up over time. What is more important than your current level of experience is your level of committment to your goals, to creating new experiences and to doing the inner work.

  • What happens if I sign up and change my mind? Once you have registered, you are committed to the program and all payments on your payment plan unless you cancel within the first 14 days of making your purchase.